(As last amended on April 2, 2007-Cairo)
(Amendments on April 13th, 2011 – Berlin – Articles 18 and 19)
(Amendment on September 19th, 2013 -Kuala Lumpur – Article 15)
Background of the constitution
- The World Franchise Council is as an amicable and a non-political association of National Franchise Associations which was established by decision of a meeting of National Franchise Association Executives held on Monday, February 14th, 1994 under the auspices of the International Franchise Association (IFA) and supported by the European Franchise Federation during the IFA 1994 Convention in Las Vegas. That meeting considered a draft constitution produced following the first International Franchise summit held on December 1st, 1993 under the auspices of the Mexican Franchise Association.
- Party established at the February Meeting under the Chairmanship of the British Franchise Association with representatives of the Canadian, Brazilian, Polish and Mexican Associations. The draft constitution was subsequently debated by the European Franchise Federation and a consolidated draft was considered by a meeting of National Associations held in Lisbon on June, 15t h, 1994. The bulk of the proposed constitution was agreed at the meeting.
- This current constitution of the WFC incorporates changes of emphasis agreed at meetings held in Frankfurt in April 1999, in San Diego in February 2000, in London in October 2002 and in Tokyo in March 2006.