World Franchise Council Joint Statement on Russia/Ukraine
March, 23, 2022

People from all walks of life remain shocked and dismayed by the horrific images of violence, death and destruction at the hands of Russian military forces during their sustained and ongoing invasion of Ukraine. As the ripple effects of war permeate all countries and business sectors, the world has united in common cause to advocate peace, an end to human suffering, and a return to regional—and global—stability.

While governments seek a long-term diplomatic solution and international NGOs work to meet the immediate needs of Ukrainian refugees, international bodies including the World Franchise Council believe we have an important role to play.

As trustees of small-business entrepreneurship representing every continent, culture and faith tradition, the World Franchise Council’s most significant contribution comes through the opportunity it affords for the generation of international understanding and cooperation.

Local businesses, often locally-owned franchises, provide the opportunity for entrepreneurs to create meaningful jobs, grow local economies, and empower human flourishing. In the most local sense, members of the World Franchise Council create peace and stability—the antithesis of war. As businesses large and small are forced to close their doors to violence and bloodshed, and as regional economic output has declined precipitously, access to the very goods and services that empower peace, stability and understanding have been disrupted.

Members of the World Franchise Council urge de-escalation, a return to peace, and the observance of international norms—for the people, for the small business community, and for humanity.

Beyond the immediate call for a cessation of hostility, long-term investment will be required to reinvigorate civil society. Here too members of the World Franchise Council have an important role to play. The very nature of the franchise business model is one of formal networks of shared experience that deliver predictable business outcomes and consistent product and service delivery to empower people in their daily lives.

Following a return to normalcy, members of the World Franchise Council will dedicate their time and talent to reinvigorating the small-business sector and helping people reestablish their livelihoods and communities. United in a single-minded focus on peace and stability, we will put the full capacity of our organizations—the thousands of brands, millions of businesses, and tens-of-millions of people they represent—behind building a bright future built on the foundation of peace, stability, and entrepreneurship to create a better and more just global society for everyone.