The World Franchise Council (WFC) is a non-political association of more than 40 national franchise associations from around the world.
Formed in 1994, it aims to promote the growth of franchising internationally, and facilitate best practice in franchise association management among its members. It also aims to foster and encourage the development of franchise associations in nations where such an association does not currently exist.
For details about franchising in any specific member nation, please see the list of member nations and click directly through to the website of the nation which interests you. (Where a member’s website appears in a language other than English, an additional link to an automated English translation is also included).

About the World Franchise Council
The WFC is the global organization of franchise associations supporting the development and protection of franchising and promoting a collective understanding of best practices in fair and ethical franchising worldwide.
To be the leading source of credible information for and about the global franchise community and preeminent forum for promoting collaboration and cooperation between national franchise associations.
Credibility – Through Members around the world who are the single and genuine representatives of their national franchise communities.
Respect – For the standing and diversity of each credible Member association whatever their level of resources of their time in Council Membership.
Integrity – In the way in which the Council assures itself of the credibility its members and their proper use of the council’s name and reputation.
Sharing – Openly and freely for the benefit of all, the experience and know-how of each.
Organization History
The WFC is a not for profit, non-political association of national franchise associations organized under the laws of the United Kingdom on April 26th, 2005.
The WFC’s beginnings can be traced to the first International Summit, sponsored by the Mexican Franchise Association December of 1993, where a draft constitution of the proposed WFC was developed by a task force composed of Argentina, Canada, Europe, France, Mexico, and The United States of America. In February of 1994, during the IFA’s Annual Convention in Las Vegas, a group of national franchise association executives led by the IFA and the European Franchise Federation unanimously decided to establish the WFC.
Following that historic Las Vegas meeting, a working group led by the British Franchise Association with representatives from the Canadian, Brazilian, Polish (a short lived association that existed at the time and which is unrelated to the PFO which has newly joined the EFF and WFC) and Mexican Associations produced a more detailed draft of the Constitution that was ultimately adopted on June 15, 1995 in Lisbon. The current Constitution of the WFC has been revised several times throughout the years.
The Constitution was drafted for the purpose of recognizing that the WFC’s most significant contributions would come from an international understanding and cooperation. The founding members of WFC believed that a formal Constitution was essential to guarantee that WFC’s opinions represent a genuine consensus amongst its members and an assurance to properly constituted national franchise associations that the WFC would offer and equitable forum for members to represent their views.
Since its inception, the WFC has achieved many milestones:
- Unidroit – the WFC secured a common position on proposals for a Model Law on franchising.
- Principles of Ethics – the WFC reached consensus on the principles that should be followed by franchise associations in developing their Code of Ethics.
- Recognition of One Association per Country – the WFC stood by its commitment, which prompted the amalgamation of associations in the Philippines and the emergence of a single recognized association in Korea.
- Legislative Support – the WFC wrote to the President of Mexico making representation in relation to a proposal to enable franchisees over a certain proportion to take ownership of their brand.